Cobian, Ottimo programma di backup diventato Open Source a partire dal 2007

Cobian è un ottimo programma di Backup (diventato Open Source a partire dal 2007), che con molta facilità permette di impostare un backup automatico (ora del giorno, settimana, ecc.) di alcune cartelle a scelta; volendo si possono riunire in un unico file compattato zip.

Volendo anche il backup incrementale (cioé si limita ad aggiungere le novità senza per forza rifare tutto ogni volta). E' gratuito e privo di qualsiasi spyware o similari.

L'interfaccia grafica è diventata molto buona nelle ultime versioni, ma quello che più importa è l'ottimo funzionamento e la grande affidabilità, per un programma che tiene testa ai migliori programmi a pagamento.

Ultima versione rilasciata:

Cobian Backup


Novità nelle versioni precedenti:

Novità della versione 7:
* Backup differenziali
* Possibilità di fare backup da un server FTP
* Backup da FTP a FTP
* File log mostrato in real time
* SSL supportato per FTP
* Aggiunta compressione SQX
* Utilizzato un metodo ZIP migliore e più veloce (zip64)
Novità della versione 6:
* Supporto per lo Zip64 per grandi file
* Possibilità di splittare i file Zip
* Forti procedure di encryptingper rendere sicuri i backup. Uso di Blowfish (128-bit), Rijndael (128-bit) o DES (64-bit)
* Possibilità di scegliere il font dell'interfaccia
* Introdotta l'architettura per plugin. Inseriro il plugin "Decrypting"
* La comunicazione interprocesso avviene tramite TCP/IP
* E' possibile il controllo remoto tramite TCP/IP
* Possibilità di fare il backup di una sorgente verso destinatari multipli
* Backup locale ed FTP
* 3 metodi per copiare file
* Gli utenti avanzati possono modificare ogni dettaglio del processo di backup

Attenzione: a partire dalla versione 8, Cobian Backup non supporta più i sistemi operativi Winows 95, 98 e ME. Per questi sistemi operativi potete scaricare la versione 7 da "altri link".

New on version 8

  • The program uses now Unicode functions whenever it can. Using compression and FTP will use ANSI functions, of course because of limitations on those formats or the FTP protocol. If you don't use compression or FTP, the program will always handle your file names as Unicode.
  • The program uses now memory mapped files for inter-process communication. All the TCP communication used in older versions has been eliminated.
  • A new method of encryption has been added: RSA-Rijndael, which uses a 256-bit Rijndael encryption with a random key that is itself encrypted used a 1024-bit RSA asymmetric key.
  • Sensitive settings as passwords are now stored in the ini file using strong encryption
  • The program is now a "green" application. All the files are stored in ini files. The only part that used the registry is the service, which, for obvious reasons must be installed using the registry. A green application, of course is not necessarily a good thing, but some people (often for "religious" reasons) seem to think that this is a good thing. Oh, well...
  • A feature allows you now you execute individual tasks under different user accounts. The task will then try to impersonate the user and execute the task under that account.
  • The 256 characters path limit is now GONE thanks to Unicode. The file and paths names can now be up to 32000 characters long.
  • Now you can close programs using also their class names.
  • Better SQX error handling.
  • Full service control from the Option dialog.
  • The mirroring effect that you got while compressing AND overwriting has been thankfully eliminated.
  • LOTS of bugs fixed
  • A better user interface.
  • FTP transfers of larger files (> 2 GB are now supported)

New on version 7

  • Designed and written from scratch

  • Zip64 for zip files larger than 2 GB

  • SQX compression

  • Backup FROM and TO a FTP server

  • Limit the speed of your FTP transfers

  • SSL servers supported

  • The program can now remind you if you have missed backups

  • Strong encryption: Supported methods are Blowfish (128 bit), Rijndael (128 bit) and DES (64 bit)

  • An open plug-in architecture to allow the program's enhancement

  • The interprocess communication is done using TCP/IP. This allows a better communication between the program parts AND the program can be administrated from another machine anywhere in the world.

  • Backup to multiple destinations

  • A backup history is displayed

  • Compressed files can now be split

  • A new user interface

  • Remote backup

  • Automatically remove old backups

  • The application can be used as a command line utility. No separate command line program is needed.

AmanitaDownload Cobian Backup 9
Version 9 Amanita
For Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
Latest version:
See what's new

Black MoonDownload Cobian Backup 8
Version 8 Black Moon
For Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
Latest version:

Luz de LunaDownload Cobian Backup 7
Version 7 Luz de Luna
For Windows 95*, 98, ME, Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003
Latest version:


  1. Copio e incollo da:

    Black Moon is Open Source, but NOT Amanita
    Cobian Backup 8 (Black Moon) is Open Source. You can download the program in binary or source form SourceForge. The code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 1.1
    Version 9 (Amanita) will NOT be published as Open Source.


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