Winpooch è un'alternativa opensource per difendersi da trojan, malware, spyware e simili


Piattaforma: Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP
Dimensione: 0.77 Mb
Licenza: Open Source

Caratteristiche: Winpooch è un'alternativa opensource per difendersi da trojan, malware, spyware e simili.

A differenza di altri sistemi antispyware, come ad esempio quello di Microsoft, che utilizzano un database delle possibili minacce, Winpooch monitora tutti i processi in funzione: potete ad esempio non permettere che un processo scriva della directory "Windows" o "system32", aggiunga voci al registro, o si connetta ad internet.

Gli autori ne consigliano l'utilizzo insieme a ClamWin, antivirus opensource gratuito.

Tempi duri per Symantec, McAfee e tutti i produttori di software per la sicurezza: oltre a Microsoft col suo Safety Live Center cresce la presenza del mondo opensource nel campo della sicurezza.


Winpooch è un antispyware/antitrojan, gratuito, open source e standalone (non necessita di installazione); protegge il PC da attacchi locali ed esterni, monitorando l'attività dei programmi in tempo reale. Diventa anche un antivirus in tempo reale, se associato con ClamWin: quest'ultimo non ha un modulo realtime, che però è posseduto da Winpooch; i due programmi dunque si integrano perfettamente.
Disponibili le note di rilascio della versione 0.5.9

About Winpooch

Winpooch is a Windows watchdog, free and open source. Anti spyware and anti trojan, it gives a full protection against local or external attacks by scanning the activity of programs in real time. Associated with ClamWin antivirus, Winpooch keeps safe your computer against virus.

API Hooking
Winpooch uses the API Hooking method. It spies programs when they are running and gives to the user a powerful control of their activity.For example, you can forbide a program to write in a system directory or in the registry, or else to connect to internet. That makes the difference between others anti spywares using a database of known signatures.

ClamWin is an open source antivirus for Windows that can not scan files in real time, unfortunately. With Winpooch, just associate ClamWin and it will be possible to detect virus in a program before it runs.

Our first aim was to develop a program that could detect virus infection such as spywares and trojans. At the beginning, Winpooch (before the version 0.5) was only able to alert the user when a program tried something suspicious, but that was not enougth reactive. So we decided to make a new release that could offer to the user a powerful control of the computer system.

Description: detection of spywares and trojans. It becomes an anti virus if associated with ClamWin Development
Status: open source project in progess
Environment: Win32 (MS Windows) License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Natural Language: English, French, Italian, Polish Operating System: 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP) Programming
Language: C

About Winpooch Watchdog
Winpooch is a watchdog for Windows (2000, XP, 2003, but only 32-bits). It detects modifications in your system, so as to detect a trojan or a spyware installation. It also includes a real-time anti-virus. Set your own security level for anti-spyware.

Latest File Releases

The latest file releases
Package Release Date Notes / Monitor Downloads

winpooch-binaries 0.6.6 April 23, 2007 Release notes - Monitor this package Download
winpooch-installer 0.6.6 April 23, 2007 Release notes - Monitor this package Download
winpooch-sources 0.6.6 April 23, 2007 Release notes - Monitor this package Download


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